5-minute SMS API integration
Automate sending and receiving SMS from any website, CRM, or application. Access SMS APIs with sample codes in 10+ languages including PHP, Java, .NET & more
Connect with your customers via WhatsApp API
Provide your customers with important account/service updates, notifications, & more by automating Whatsapp messages. You can even receive customer enquiries on Whatsapp and continue the conversation.
Promotional SMS
Easily send powerful bulk SMS campaigns
Effortlessly personalize your bulk SMS with names or custom fields, compose in 20+ languages, schedule/stagger your sends, add opt-out path and more. Get best-in-class SMS delivery.
Convey more with SMS attachments
Easily insert images, videos, PDFs, spreadsheets & more as shortlinks in your bulk SMS campaigns and grab your customers’ attention. Convey more in 160 characters
Access real-time delivery and click reports
Increase engagement with mobile solutions
Receive SMS online
Let your customers instantly reach you by just texting into your long codes and keywords. Set auto-replies or take the conversation forward on other channels.